Dressing should be effortless instead of stressful. We put a great deal of stress in it and that just ruins the whole thing, including our look. Following, we are giving some tips from leading Celebrity Style experts from Hollywood for how to ease up your experience while improving your style sense.
Careful Fitting
Micaela Elanger is a Celebrity Style Artist who has styled celebs including Meryl Streep and Hilary Swank emphasizes on the importance of a proper fit. She says that fit is everything, and you have to ensure a proper one. You can take pictures from front, back and both sides. Get a three way mirror and take note on how things are from different angles. After you have the importance info, you need to invest in your tailor, and treat him like a friend.
Be Bold
This word of advice comes from Celebrity Style Artist Erin Walsh, she has dressed up Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kristen Wiig on numerous occasions. According to her, you shouldn’t be afraid to show a bit of your ankle. Add a modern element to your look and get clean. Skip the tight and long pants, as they are a thing of the past. You need your pants tailored right up before the ankle.
Mix Other Colors with White
Cristina Ehrlich has dressed up many celebs during her brief career, with the recent one being Margot Robbie. According to her, White is a popular color, yet the trickiest to pull off. The secret is balance, you need to know how to mix things up if you want to create magic. If you want to pull of an all-white look, you have to pull your waist with a red or black belt which shows your shape. You can always put a black tuxedo, and use accessories.

Designer and blogger Nicole is a fashionista with a passion for personal style. She has been blogging since 2010, when she was still in college. Her blog offers readers the chance to see her latest outfits, shop her favorite styles, and read about fashion trends from around the world.